Dental Implant Surgery: Risks and Complications
Dental implant surgery is known to provide a wide range of benefits, and considering the acquisition of implants is a serious matter. The process of course requires major surgery, and therefore should be thought out carefully and planned wisely. Prior to making a decision whether or not you should undergo surgery, all known risks and side effects should be clarified and understood. Although, statistics show that the risk of complications is very low, nevertheless can be a concern. In addition, the surgery itself plays a significant role in a successful outcome.
It is important to keep in mind that often the issues that arise are small, and therefore quite easy to avoid if treated promptly. In instances where these minor issues are left untreated, serious complications can eventually develop.
Dental Implant Post-surgery Complications:
- Infection
Nowadays, there is very low risk of infection associated with dental implant surgery. Nevertheless, the shorter and more efficient the surgery, the lower the chances that an infection might occur. - In general, any foreign substance placed in your mouth can become a potential threat for infection. A clean and healthy oral environment is a crucial factor for avoiding these kinds of problems. Therefore, brushing twice a day, flossing at least once per day and receiving regular dental check-ups is a must. Some other factors like smoking can also hinder the healing process, and create an environment for infection.
- Nerve damage
In cases when an implant is placed too close to the nerve, some discomfort may occur. It can manifest in the form of chronic pain, numbness and tingling in the gums, tongue, chin, cheeks, lips, etc. These issues occur as a result of a misplaced implant and will most likely require it’s removal. That is why you need to choose an experienced and skilled professional to ensure the best possible outcome for your specific situation. - Sinus problems
Although rare, a titanium post placed in the upper jaw can penetrate your bone or gum tissue, encroaching upon the sinus cavity. This miscalculation can seriously affect the sinus systems function, and may lead to a severe infection. If the implant causes an infection in the sinus track, a surgical procedure must be performed to close the track. - Rejection and allergy
Although implants are made of a titanium alloy which is generally a user friendly substance in the human body, for some individuals it can cause a problem. Either their body promptly rejects the implant or they have an allergic reaction to it. In the case of an allergy an inflammatory reaction to the titanium is present, and therefore chronic fatigue syndrome or itchiness appears. - Failure in the implant itself
Even though the materials used nowadays are quite advanced, strong and stable, there is still a possibility for a failure of the implant itself. Some of the most common problems are when the implants are bent or have cracked. - Inability to accommodate the implant
Each and every case is of course different and unique! By looking at the severity of your particular situation, there are usually two distinguished scenarios. In some instances, if treated quickly, gum and bone grafting surgery around your tooth can be performed in order to save your implant. On the other hand, sometimes an implant must be removed quickly and the area needs to heal for a period of around 12 months. A bone grafting procedure will most likely be required, in order to increase your chances of success for your next implant placement.
If your implant fails the second time, it’s a clear indicator that you have another serious complication, which is impacting your ability to integrate the implant. Some of the possibilities for the failure could be an allergy, insufficient bone density, or simply your physical unsuitability for implants.
In some rare occasions, it could be your dentist’s incompetence to successfully complete the procedure. To clarify the exact reason for your incompatibility to implants, it’s highly recommended that you attain a second opinion from another dentist in a different clinic.